New: Republic of the Congo Holidays

Plane From Swakopmund To Skeleton Coast Over South Skeleton Coast

Flying over the Skeleton Coast

Namibia Flying Safaris

Go on safari in Namibia by air

Explore the remote and otherwise inaccessible parts of the country on a Namibia flying safari, an adventure for true explorers

Whilst much of Namibia can be reached by easy, if sometimes lengthy, drives, there are a few small pockets of the country which exist way beyond the end of marked roads and are only accessible by air. This really is the ultimate Namibian adventure, taking those who hop in small planes to an area just a handful of people get to visit every year.

The most famous of these areas is the remote and foreboding Skeleton Coast, so called because of the bleached whale bones and rusted ships that litter the shoreline. Whilst a small number of lodges have opened up here in recent years, the original and best way to experience it is by spending some time with the legendary Schoeman brothers on one of their Skeleton Coast flying safaris.

Departing from Windhoek on small planes, you will be flown to the remotest corners of the coast and explore the endless sand dunes and wild beaches with these tourism pioneers, enjoying some surprisingly good wildlife viewing along the way. Experiences like this don’t come cheap, especially when your lunch is often served on the wing of the aircraft and sleeping arrangements are simple dome tents with dinner cooked over a campfire, but sometimes luxury isn’t all about air conditioning and seven-course dinners. Often the simple things really are the best and the Schoeman brothers really epitomise this in how they run their operation. This is for the hardy, true adventurers who want to explore remote pockets of the country with men who have appointed themselves the guardians of this area and know it better than anyone. A truly remarkable experience. For those looking for a “softer” adventure, we can also offer itineraries around the country by plane rather than by vehicle. This does allow access to some truly remote and wild areas such as the Kunene River and desert camps close to the Skeleton Coast, but nothing is sacrificed in terms of luxury. If flying around is your thing, please get in touch and we will plan a trip that allows you to see this truly remarkable country from the air.

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Have a look at our original holiday experiences and then contact us with your brief, or call 01768 603 715

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