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Do you know a Herd from a Pride?

Whats the difference?



Africa Specialist
Published on

15 Dec 2017

Updated on

22 Jun 2020

A Pride Of Lions

Whilst on a recent Safari in Tanzania my guide took great delight in teaching us the collective nouns for the animals. Something great to learn before you go, and some are much more interesting than you imagine!

I am sure you know the obvious ones….

A Pride of Lion

A Herd of Elephants

But what about the more unusual ones….

Sounder Of Warthog

A Sounder of Warthog

A Dazzle Of Zebra

A Dazzle of Zebra

A Journey Of Giraffe

A Journey of Giraffe

A Congress Of Baboon

A Congress of Baboon

And of course, you have others such as:

A crash of Rhino

A Float of Crocodiles

Great to remember for safari and the next pub quiz!!

Happy travels everyone