Amazon rainforest

Amazon Rainforest

Our Impact

Play it Forward
Play it Forward Logo Stacked RGB
Amantani Logo Transparentcopy
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Making every holiday special. Making travel a force for good.

At Far and Wild Travel, we are committed to understanding the impact of the holidays we organise and then doing something about it.

"This is the first time we’ve done an impact report, and it shows that we’ve made a decent start on both the ‘understanding’ and ‘the action’ – but we are still at the very beginning. There is so much we can and should be doing before we can really say we are making travel a force for good. I’m looking forward to working transparently with you all; customers, suppliers and friends, as we make good on this commitment." Ben Morison, Founder.



Charity total 2024

Charity Partners

In 2023, we launched a new initiative—donating $50 per traveller to our charity partners, with no extra cost to clients. We’re working with charities in destinations we care deeply about, like the Leo Project, Play it Forward, and Amantani, supporting female education and empowering communities. Our goal? To expand this program so each country we visit benefits, offering clients a chance to see the impact first hand and make every journey truly meaningful.

98 offset

Sustainable travel

Our unique carbon-scoring system, created with ecollective, accurately measures the carbon impact of every aspect of our trips helping clients track and offset their environmental impact, with 98% already opting to remove carbon through our partnership with Ecologi.

Kenya Guidebook on top of a table Canva Pro

Wilder Guides

Sustainable travel publisher Wilder Guides have released their Kenya guidebook. Written by Kenya Experts Jan Fox, and Ben Morison our CEO, the Wilder Guidebook to Kenya showcases a country that is at the forefront of some of the most innovative ideas in the increasingly overlapping areas of conservation and tourism.

“The issues of sustainability and conservation highlighted in this guide really do matter if we are to conserve the environment for future generations” – Nigel Vere Nicoll, ATTA President.

The Flipflopi Dogo On Its Voyage

Our footprint & team

We’ve partnered with Ecologi to calculate and remove the carbon for our team both working at home and in the office ensuring our operations remain carbon neutral. Our impact report also showcases some of the amazing efforts our team are doing to help local charities.

Impact report front cover 2024

Full Impact Report

We've shared a few highlights above, but you can read our full impact report and our key goals for next year here.

Read our full impact report.

Speak to a sustainable travel expert today.

We created our own carbon-scoring system for tailor-made travel - ask us about it!



Africa Specialist and CEO

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888 445-2912

Our Difference

The Far & Wild Community...

We think that the best people to talk about an experience are those directly linked to it. Our website and brochures let the ‘real experts’ show their stuff… local experts, travellers & industry insiders. Look out for the coloured markers all around the site... they mean that you are reading something contributed directly by a person from one of these different parts of the community we are part of.

The best memories aren’t simply places and hotels, they are made up of experiences and people… so we connect with local communities, and strive for sustainable travel to make your holiday special

Ben Morison

Ben Morison
